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Stoke Holy Cross Parish Church (John).jp

What We Do


The Parish Council is responsible for:


  • the recreation ground

  • the play area

  • the allotments

  • commenting on planning applications

  • the village notice board

  • general maintenance around the village

The Village of Stoke Holy Cross

Welcome to the website of Stoke Holy Cross and Dunston Parish Council. This website has been created by the Parish Council to allow us to better connect with the people who live and work in our community. You can read more about what the council does and leave a response to let us know your views on the subject.

Stoke Holy Cross Parish Council


The Parish Council is made up of members who all live in the village and represent the village on various matters.  We are effectively the third tier of local government, the other two being Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk District Council.

News and Information

Stoke Holy Cross Village Sign

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on

Thursday 18th July 2024 at 7.30pm

in St George's Hall.

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